Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


Cook's Choice for Edie Hemingway

My husband is the cook in our house.  He's the one who experiments with new recipes, grills or stews over the open campfire, is delighted with kitchen gadget gifts, and subscribes to Cook's Illustrated magazine.  Don't get me wrong.  I can and do cook, but for me it's a chore--that is until it comes to baking bread.  My one and only specialty that draws the entire family to my table is "Shredded Wheat and Molasses Bread."  No bread machine for me!  There's something therapeutic about the measuring, mixing, kneading, and waiting that soothes my nerves, raises my spirits, gives me a sense of accomplishment, and fills the house with a delicious aroma and anticipation.  But it wasn't until I sat down to write this week's blog topic on "Cook's Choice" that I thought to liken bread baking to writing:
  1.  Both require a time commitment.
  2. Both involve mixing ingredients.
  3. Both require patience.
  4. Both require a leavening agent--"an addition that causes general change or modification."
  5. Both require kneading--"mixing and working into a uniform mass."
  6. Both require a time to rise (or resonate).
  7. Both require revision--punching down, mixing again--sometimes more than once.  A rising and falling of action.
  8. Both require baking--a time to harden or solidify through heat (or patience).
  9. Both may be presented to eager hands.
  10. And, finally, both are devoured by hungry appetites.
So, next time you can't decide what to cook or what to write, try baking bread.  Dive into the dough, get your hands messy, knead it until it's smooth.  Be patient and persistent.  Savor the taste.  The result is worth it.


Carmen said...

I love the comparison. I will send my MFA students to the blog to read it.

I am not commenting much on the posts, hoping to hear from others outside our blog. Where are they?

betsy woods said...

I'm hungry for shredded wheat and molasses bread, but mostly for your book, Tater Hill.

David LaRochelle said...

You've reminded me of the pleasures of baking bread (which I haven't done in years). It IS a wonderful accomplishment, that like writing, can't be hurried. I think I will have to get out my bread pans after the holidays!

Edie Hemingway said...

Yes, David, baking bread is a very satisfying process. I usually bake a number of loaves of shredded wheat and molasses bread to give as gifts during the holidays. Do you have a favorite recipe?

Lauren said...

This is a great comparison! It reminds me of how thoughtful I become when I knead bread-- and the scents throughout the house as it bakes are as satisfying as a great morning of writing. Thanks Edie.

Christy said...

This potato/cooking/baking bread blog is so very cozy! Let's have a virtual potluck.