Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


A New Generation of Readers

The picture at left is from a couple years ago. Our son Ben, who is now six, was at the stage when he “read” books by looking at the pictures and making up his own plot. Each night after brushing his teeth and picking a book for Mommy or Daddy to read to him, he would ask, “Can I stay up for awhile and read by myself?”

The answer, of course, was invariably, “Yes, you can.”

One night, when I went in later to turn out his bedroom light, I had to chuckle at the sight of Ben asleep with his book still propped up on his chest. So Daddy wasn’t the only one who did that!!

Now that Ben is in first grade and can read by himself, he will take a book with him even if we are just running down to the store for some milk; he reads aloud during the drive, spelling out the words he doesn’t yet know. Longer outings require much debate about which books will make “the cut” and come with him. For summer sailing ventures, which can last weeks at a time, the process is even more torturous. After all, Mommy and Daddy need space for their books, too….

And so rest assured that a new generation of readers will enjoy the great works of my fellow potatoes. If that isn’t cause for celebration (and inspiration), I don’t know what is.


Lauren said...

I love Ben! What a great photo of him, sleeping with a book propped up. Perhaps he will become an author one day and that will part of his slide show. Who knows? I cannot fall asleep with a book propped in place. The minute I begin to go out, the book inevitably falls flat down on my face and I let out a little yelp and Matthew tries to stifle his laughter! I must take lessons from you and Ben.

Thanks Mark!

Edie Hemingway said...

This is a priceless photo, Mark!

Christy said...

I'm all for Ben growing a little older and reading one of YOUR books. Wouldn't that be satisfying?

Stephanie said...

LOVE that photo. So happy to hear you've instilled such a great love of books in him.

john said...

Go, Ben!