One Potato...Ten!

Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


A Reunion of Two Spuds Full of Stories and Memories

Lauren Stringer and Betsy Woods, 2024

A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out some files when I came across a draft for a post on One Potato... Ten. My pandemic-amnesia-fog lifted enough to reveal clear memories of this extraordinary group of writers and friends, bring a smile to my face, followed by a sigh. Would I ever see any of this exceptional group again-- spread out across the country? 

Then, literally two days later, I received a message from Betsy Woods! She was coming through Minneapolis and would I be available to meet for a coffee? Of course I was available. I have an unusually free August, thanks to getting illustrations and manuscript submitted early for my next book, AN ABUNDANCE OF LIGHT, The Story of Matisse in Morocco, Fall 2025.

This past Friday Betsy and I met at Rustica for delicious coffees and great conversations. It was wonderful to hear about her novel, MUD, which will be coming out in January! (Of course, I had to tell her that my first book was also called MUD!)

Cover for my first picture book published in 1994.

Betsy shared the cover for her new novel-- but it is not completely finished yet, so I cannot share it here. Just be sure to keep an eye and ear out for her publication of MUD! January 2025! I will tell you that it is a stunning cover! I cannot wait to get a copy of it!

We ended up in a conversation about the possibility of using one's initials instead of first name on the cover of our books. If I went along with this, I would be known as L.C. Stringer. Betsy would be known as B.K. Woods. It was a great conversation on the merits of owning one's female identity and not hiding behind genderless initials. There have been times historically when this was the only way a woman could be published, but not so now. There is also the argument of opening up to a larger audience when using initials, unbiased by gender, but that didn't hold for either of us. 

We talked about writing and writer's groups, our writing goals and how they have changed as we age. We talked about when all ten of us gathered in the Main House of the Anderson Center in Red Wing and shared our writings--and how much that meant to us. And that was ten years ago! 

When Betsy's wife and sweet dog, Fiona came by to hit the road again, we said our good-byes and promised to stay in touch. And about an hour later, another text came from Betsy-- could they swing by for a photo of the two of us? And there you have it-- the photo at the top of the post! It was a joy to see Betsy and meet her wife and pup. An invitation to visit them in New Orleans has made me vow to make travel plans to the Gulf for the coming year.

Maybe it's time for another gathering of One Potato... Ten? I am certain we all have loads of stories to share! 


Another Mini Spud Reunion in Portland, Oregon!

Carmen seems to be the most popular Spud, or else Portland, Oregon is the place to be!  After a wonderful and productive 10-day writing retreat in Brookings, OR with two other writing friends (Patti Zelch and Gale Payne), we made the long drive back to Portland to turn in our rental car.  Carmen and Jeremy met us at the rental place, took us to dinner at a delicious Vietnamese restaurant, and then on to our hotel.  It was great to meet Jeremy, and we all had some "literary" conversation while feasting on Vietnamese specialties.

I hope it won't be long before all the Spuds can meet again!


Come on, Spuds

 Carmen and I had a wonderful Spud reunion this weekend in Portland at Wordstock, an impressive gathering of writers and readers. Afterwards, we want to Andina, a beautiful Peruvian restaurant in the Pearl District for a delicious meal and wide-ranging conversation. Thank you Carmen and Jeremy for such a lovely evening and making me feel so at home in your splendid city.

Two new books are out and I'm pleased to share covers with you. Game Changer is the true story of John McLendon and the Secret Game in 1944 and Randy Duburke, an illustrator I've wanted to work with for years, did an amazing job with the art.

The Extreme Sports book that some of you have heard about is also out and I'm thrilled with the design work done by Headcase Design. Please spread the word to folks you think would be interested in both of them. And let's go, Spuds. Stephanie took the first step. We want to hear your news and I know some of you have fun things to share.


We are still here. And we have updates:)

Well, it's been a loooong time since you've heard from us. No excuses, other than LIFE. Things happen, people get busy. The good news is that at least we've been productive since we've been away. I'll share a few things that have happened over the past year. I've had two books come out. First, the second installment of the Shipwreck Island series, LOST, which continues the adventures of the shipwrecked Robinson family.
This is my first year of having two novels out, because my latest YA novel released Tuesday, October 6th. Here I'm at the launch party we had in Irving, TX while I was on a school visit trip.

THE DETOUR is about Livvy Flynn, a best-selling teenage author who takes a drive into a nightmare... And, my most exciting news of all is that Legendary has optioned film rights. Yes, that's right. So read it before it becomes a movie! I also kept busy by going on a tour with friend and fellow Macmillan author Shelley Tougas. Our ADVENTURES FROM THE MIDDLE tour took us to five regional bookstores and four schools. We put on over 1000 miles in the course of a week, and here we are at Books and Company in Oconomowoc.  On Tuesday, Oct. 13, we will be at the Barnes and Noble in Mankato, MN at 6pm.

Stay tuned for more updates from the rest of the Spuds.


Coming Home

This past week at the Spalding University MFA residency in Louisville, KY, I was privileged to meet up with fellow spud, Stephanie Stuve Bodeen.  At some point during our time there, we both mentioned how it felt like "coming home"-- very much like the feeling we had when all ten of our spuds got together at the Anderson Center last April.

The Spalding University MFA program truly is a home to all the faculty, students, and returning alums, who share the literary heart.  In fact, at the start of every residency, program director Sena Jeter Naslund's first words are "Welcome home!"

I was there as part of the Writing for Children and YA faculty to give my lecture on the non-linear narrative form and to lead the creative thesis discussion for one of my graduating students.  Stephanie came to discuss her novel The Raft, which was the book-in-common for all W4CYA students, and to give a second presentation entitled, "After the MFA: A Cautionary Tale."  We also had the pleasure of meeting and visiting with Pam Muñoz Ryan, author of Esperanza Rising and other award-winning books for children and young adults, as well as talented author/faculty members, Lesléa Newman and David-Matthew Barnes.

What a wonderful week of teaching, learning, encouraging, inspiring, and celebrating!


Gertrude Stein

I'm not sure if it's my turn to post.  Don't I follow Edie?  It just looks a little lonely on our blog, so I thought I'd check in.

With a few young children's books under my belt, my brain is asking me to work on something different, but I was surprised to find my mind wandering to Gertrude Stein (Oh, no, I'm rhyming again!).  She popped into my head when I was daydreaming at church today - don't tell the minister - and I've started doing some research on her!  I'm not sure if children would want to know about her, or why she made an appearance in my daydream, but I guess it's worth the time to find out. She's interesting to me, and I wonder if I can make her interesting to 4th and 5th graders.  What great company she kept!!

Here are a few photos of summer in Utah.  I think it's one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Chris rock climbing at Red Rock.

Scott and Chris at Zion.

Chris at Red Rock, feeling very proud of himself.  I won't tell you that behind him is a set of stairs and a bridge!!  :)



Eight years ago I attended a summer residency at the Whidbey Writers Workshop MFA program.  That’s where I met Stephanie Bodeen and Kirby Larson, both of whom were teaching in the program.  (Stephanie would later be the driving force behind creating this blog).  Although I found the program on Whidbey to be a very inviting and supportive community of writers, I never had the opportunity to return to another residency or attend any of the many other literary events sponsored by WWW, until just a few weeks ago. 

It was residency time again and on the last night there was a faculty reading scheduled at the Captain Whidbey Inn.  Carmen Bernier-Grand, a current faculty member and also a member of One Potato . . . Ten, was listed as one of the readers.  Carmen had invited me to a reading last year, but I was unable to attend.  When I met her at this spring’s retreat, we laughed about how we both traveled all the way to Minnesota to finally meet each other, when she teaches only 20 minutes from my house! 

This year, I determined to finally make the trek to Coupeville for the faculty reading.  I joined a vibrant group of perhaps 40 people in attendance.  During a break in the readings, I walked up to Carmen and said, “Hey, stranger, I finally made it to a reading.”  Carmen looked at me for a moment with her face scrunched up in that universal expression of “who is this nut talking to me?” before I reminded her who I was.  As the light of recognition dawned on her face, tears welled in her eyes.  We hugged and laughed and talked for almost an hour after the reading . . .

And so now, after finally meeting my fellow bloggers at the spring retreat, I have seen both David LaRochelle and Carmen Bernier-Grand on my home turf in the last few months.  At this rate, I expect another of my fellow spuds to arrive on the island any day now . . .