Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


Why I Write

Right now my agent is sending me rejection after rejection on my latest story and I am wondering why it is I keep writing. It is a tough business and I am not a tough person. Yet I keep writing, because...
1. I love being a part of something that's so great for kids.
2. Writing helps me understand myself a little better.
3. It feels good when ideas and words pop into place, like a puzzle.
4. It is something that I'm good at sometimes.
5. I like being in the trenches with other writers.
6 - 10 - I'll have to get back to you on those once I've had a good walk and a hershey bar or two!


David LaRochelle said...

Hang in there, despite the rejection letters, Diane. And congratulations (to us all!) on persevering in such a tough field.

Edie Hemingway said...

Yes, it does feel good when ideas and words pop into place, like a puzzle. Great way of saying it, Diane!

Stephanie said...

Hang in there!!

Lauren said...

I think the good walk is a reason for writing and so is the Hershey bar. Hang in there-- the rejection stories are something to hold onto as well for your future presentations.