Later today I'll drive about three hours south through burgeoning signs of spring to Charlottesville, VA, the setting of the annual Virginia Festival of the Book, where I will join four other debut author/friends for a Saturday afternoon panel discussion about our group marketing efforts on behalf of the Class of 2K9. Although a few of our twenty-two middle-grade and YA novels have already launched (HEART OF A SHEPHERD, BULL RIDER, THE YEAR THE SWALLOWS CAME EARLY, MY LIFE IN PINK AND GREEN, JANE IN BLOOM, FREAKED, MY BIG NOSE AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS), this panel discussion will be our first official gathering and public launch of our Class of 2K9.
Participation in this group of talented authors has been an enlightening experience for me. Not only have I learned much about the self-marketing and promotion of our books (very necessary in this troubled economy), including all the technological avenues such as websites, blogs, facebook, live journal, jacketflap, widgets, twitter, etc, but I have gained an incredible online community of caring, supportive, like-minded friends. As we go through this exciting roller coaster of events and emotions, we're discovering there are both highs and lows in the unveiling of our most personal efforts. Who better to share them with than each other? Like all new authors, we have some fears outshined by great hopes for our books and our careers.
It seems especially fitting that I make this journey of hope on the official first day of spring. To paraphrase my character, Miss Eliza, in my forthcoming novel, ROAD TO TATER HILL: "Birds have been singing and chirping of a morning. The trees have that haze of first green about them, buds fairly bursting with the promise of leaves and life."