Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


What’s Cooking? by Christy

I have always fanaticized that if I won the lottery I would hire a cook. I don’t play the lottery, so guess I’m stuck in the kitchen trying to figure out varied dishes with interesting flavors while managing to coordinate the different times needed for preparing each. Balance, timing--a life long quest. Food preparation should be fun and creative, right? Let someone else do it! I’d rather be cooking up my ideas for writing and illustrating. I have too many pots fighting for front burners on my stove and back burner ideas piling higher each minute.

What’s cooking today? I need to finish designing Nutcracker programs for two different casts (barter for my daughter’s dance classes); finish two complex educational illustrations (rare jobs from my agent so I can’t turn them down); conference call to discuss an artist’s revised sketches then draft follow-up letter with comments (my Lee & Low art director hat); write to a different artist regarding art delivery (same hat); finish book designs and upload print PDFs to NorthSouth ftp site (freelance design gig); write photo archivist from Noguchi Museum regarding backmatter for my upcoming Noguchi title with Lee & Low Books; finish art for the interior of this book, sketch cover ideas; return overdue books to the library; order Christmas presents; get our holiday tree and decorate. That’s my menu du jour. Oh, and how could I forget? I’ll also cook dinner.

Today this blog is my writing.


Mark said...

Wow! Your "laundry list" of things to do today is an inspiration to those of us with only a couple projects on the burner. How can I complain about not having time to get my stuff done after I've read your list? Good luck!!

Christy said...

My problems are happy ones. Still, I needed to blow off steam--or whistle like that tea kettle on one of my burners!

Edie Hemingway said...

Christy, you certainly do have a lot of pots in the fire, but it sounds as if you're juggling them successfully!

Christy said...

I drops many balls, but each new day brings another opportunity to practice my juggling. Sometimes I find that I envy my cat who, as far as I can see, never juggles.

john said...

Christy, can I touch your hair?

Lauren said...

Wow Christy!! I hope your dinner was a frozen pizza-- always a crowd pleaser around here.

Christy said...

Thanks all.
Yes, John.
Lauren, We're trying to be lo-carb, which means more less pizza, pasta, and other easy-to-fix foods (more work).