Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


A Grrrreat Publication Party

Sunday was the publication party for my brand new picture book, It's a Tiger, beautifully illustrated by Jeremy Tankard. Saint Paul's independent children's bookstore, The Red Balloon,  hosted the event. My good friend Julie Reimer did fantastic tiger face painting, attendees could make their own tiger tails (or neckties) and there was plenty of tiger cake to eat. It was a roaring success!

That's me pictured with my nephew Matt, my niece Sarah, and my four great nieces: Katelyn, Britta, Lauren, and Hannah, to whom the book is dedicated. You can check out more pictures of the event at my Facebook page. Roar!


Christy said...

Congratulations, David! I saw the book at ALA; it's fantastic. Those little tigers there are adorable! Face painting sounds like a fun way to celebrate.

Edie Hemingway said...

Congratulations, David. It looks as if you had a roaring good celebration!

john said...

Great pictures David and how lucky those youngsters are to attend such a fun celebration. Rooooaaaar.

Lauren said...

I love these photos David-- what a wonderful celebration for IT's A TIGER!!