Ten writers for children. All with something to say.



I love autumn. I love the word autumn. It conjures a crispy excitement and colors I want to wrap myself up in as if I were jumping into a pile of leaves. This autumn has offered me an opportunity to teach creative writing at a New Orleans charter school. I am humbled by the trust and talent the young people have invested in our workshops and classes. This mix of trust and vulnerability, and deep creative work is a pure gift.

In that same spirit of trust, I’ve put some finishing touches on my own picture book and have fine-tuned a middle-grade novel, releasing both to the world. (Persistence beads on my forehead.)

I’ve also begun writing for The Times Picayune, the greater New Orleans newspaper. I write a column that runs each Sunday, and I write feature stories. Another delight that autumn has delivered is the premier publication of Citizen’s Together Magazine. I wrote the cover story, and was asked to speak at the launch celebration. It was held in an old neighborhood in New Orleans, at a corner church. The Zion Harmonizers, a well-known, gospel-singing group, sang and clapped and alleluiaed. My autumn has been rich.


Christy said...

Congratulations, Betsy! So much great movement in your creative life. Autumn also brings harvest, and you are harvesting an abundance! Are their any links you can share so we can find your works on line--for the Picayune or Citizen's Together?

I love the word autumn, too.

Stephanie said...

Yay Bets!

Edie Hemingway said...

I can just hear the alleluias! And I'm so glad you're sharing your writing talents with new students and also the readers of The Times Picayune (love the name of that newspaper!).

john said...

Rich, indeed. You make us all want to come down to New Orleans from that description, Betsy. Glad to hear so much is cooking.

David LaRochelle said...

It sounds like a very full and rewarding autumn, Betsy.

This is also my favorite time of the year.

Mark said...

Betsy, it sounds like you've been keeping busy and finding lots of positive experiences in your favorite season. Thanks for sharing!

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