Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


What keeps me writing...

Writing is terribly subjective. Some people love the same story that other people may abhor.

I'm a little jealous of people in more objective pursuits. Like, say, plumbing. If plumbers get critiqued, it's more like "Dude, it flushes! Well done."

So, as a participant in a subjective career world, it helps to develop a thick skin. And I have, to some point.

So what keeps me going with this pursuit of writing stories that I know will potentially elicit some comments that threaten to pierce my thick skin?

1. The sea of little faces at schools when I read them my stories. The eager hands waving in the air, wanting to know more about my characters and me.

2. My agent Scott, with his comment "You rock!" when, once in a while, I exceed expectation.

3. One of my editors, with her notes on my marked-up manuscript, jots a quick "This is great!" Even among all the stuff I know I need to fix, that one little jolt of sunshine can keep me going for 50 pages.

4. Bloggers. All it takes is one of them to say "I read this book in one sitting..." and I'm on Cloud 9 for a week.

5. Readers. And parents of readers. Like the one who said "My daughter refuses to go to sleep unless we read her your picture book first."

6. Fellow writers, like the ones on this blog. We're all in the same canoe, and there is always someone to help me paddle when I get blisters.

7. My kids. My oldest texted me from the school bus one morning: "Mom! Half the kids are reading your book!' Amazing feeling, to know your children are proud of what you do.

8. My husband. He always tells me to keep writing, even when I don't want to.

9. My critique partners. They tell the truth, but kindly take out the sharp edges. And my stories get better for it.

10. My cat Ficus, who sits by me when I write. Good words or bad. And she always fixes me with an objective look. It might not be "Dude, it flushes! Well done." But it's close enough.

By Stephanie


Edie Hemingway said...

I can't think of anything better than having half the kids on the school bus reading one of my books! I have to agree, "You rock!"

Lauren said...

I loved this list Stephanie. I too have a cat, actually three, that give me their individual support. I also love being one of the ten that keep you going.

Lauren said...

Well Stephanie and all, I seem to have two identities on this blog. Forgive me. I will work to figure out how to erase one and leave the other. In the mean time, know that there is only one of me! (But three cats)